Articles & White Papers

Africa Airspace Liberalization: A Continent Stuck In A Holding Pattern.

The Single Africa Air Transport Market (SAATM) stands as a pioneering initiative under the African Union‘s Agenda 2063, aimed at forging a unified air transport market across the continent. This visionary move promises substantial freedoms for air transport, particularly for passenger and cargo operations from the first through the fifth

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Ethiopian Domestic Aviation Market

With a population of approximately 126 million people, Ethiopia boasts a bustling air transport market set for dynamic growth. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) predicted an astonishing 226% expansion in the sector over the next two decades. This high-growth market has been experiencing a staggering

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2023 Yearbook: Showcasing Africa’s Aviation Highlights

2023 Yearbook:Showcasing Africa’s Aviation Highlights In 2023, the aviation industry experienced a resounding resurgence worldwide, marking a pivotal step towards recovery post-pandemic. Global air traffic surged, with projections from the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and Airport Council International (ACI) indicating a climb beyond 90% of 2019 levels and a

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The conquest for the African airspace: The movers and shakers – Part II

PART IIIntracontinental point-to-point air connectivity This is the second part of a two-part series, where we explore the Intra-African airspace market, the movers and the shakers. Introduction The role of air transportation is to establish connections across international borders, facilitating the movement of goods and individuals from various backgrounds for

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Africa air travel: The road to airspace liberalization

Africa air travel: The road to airspace liberalization This is a prelude to part II of The Conquest for the African Airspace: The movers and shakers. In this article, we review the journey thus far in the liberalization of the African airspace. Introduction Air transportation is not only a crucial

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